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Noise Reduction at Work

Noise Reduction at Work

The effects on health and productivity from noise in the workplace are now well established. But the solution is relatively new.

Acoustics at Work can teach your staff to sound check your clients’ workplace, then offer acoustic solutions, through a range of high quality sound absorbing products.

Evolution of the open plan office
To understand the problem of noise in the work place, it is first useful to examine the reasons why the open plan office came into being.

Open Plan Offices Noise Reduction
Open Plan Offices Noise Reduction

Until perhaps 20 years ago, the private, cellular space was the ideal. The need to reduce the amount of expensive floorspace per worker led to the cubicle. And as technology has brought greater freedom from a single desk and as the need to control cost has intensified, the truly open plan office has arrived.

Yet as barriers have come down, ambient noise levels have risen; creating a tipping point, where the sound economics of densely populated open plan offices have begun to falter, as noise intrusion impacts on productivity. To alleviate this ever-growing problem, we must address 5 systems in the office:

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